
As a global technology provider, Medea has the capability of delivering a full suite of operational, business intelligence, and analytics services to manage a connected deployment, optimize customer engagements, and provide real-time marketing for consumer brands. Medea’s patented technology can be used to personally program any packaging display through its Bluetooth capability.
The developed suite of web-based visual tools enables consumer brands to create beautiful messages across all platforms and send dynamic marketing campaigns to individual users—no coding, SQL or new builds required. The current patents covering the technology include: labels, displays, consumer data, and utility functionality: a technology stack which allows integrated real-time data tracking and analytics; the display firmware; mobile apps available for both IOS and Google Play; and, back-end cloud server technology.
The message in a bottle routine is going WiFi. And that means pretty soon you’ll have your very own mini Times Square …. This new use of tech means consumers can customize messages on the bottles …. The idea is to give packaging a speaking role in an increasingly interactive marketplace.
.…You download the app, sign up for a profile, either through Facebook or email then boom, you’re ready to start broadcasting messages. Trust us, it’s as fun as it sounds….